• +39 081/8143442 - 39 334/9176668
  • info@caffebrasilena.it

Our Story

Who we are

Brasilena Caffè S.r.l. You actually might make an effort a person’s luck is one of the most remarkable companies, in the Campania region, in the roasting field, both packaging and marketing. The history of Brasilena Caffè began with handcraft experience born through its founder Francesco Conte, who tied the values of a family into the coffee business, which is the Neapolitan beverage par excellence.

Since 1960, Conte family has developed their flavored coffee enriching it every day with the core values ​​that were typical of the founder: know-how, passion and love for the raw material. In a small town, not so far from Naples, where coffee culture seems to be born even before of the man himself, Francesco Conte conceived a tiny roasting in Aversa, in the province of Caserta, where the aroma of a freshly flowed out from his small cellar used as a “Brasilena Caffè” laboratory. In order to purchase and store small quantities of product to be enjoyed at the home, the shop was built next to the lab, where the roasting cycles grew from weekly to almost daily. The product is refined by modern knowledges and daring artisan choices that, every day more, improve the final product: the raw coffee (that has its origins from Central America carefully blended by the hands of the “Master” Francesco. He was one of the firsts to understand the need for a young market, but with an articulated demand, requesting ever more varied and disparate blends of the coffee product. Thus the different “Brasilena” blends come to life: from them the years have told their own evolution, in order to include the product in the category of excellence in coffee. “Brasilena Caffè” gives naming and the voice to a company, even before a brand, consolidated, from its origin and in the following years, on the very basis of that denominator common to all the mainly family-run commercial realities: craftsmanship.
“Brasilena Coffee” imports its raw materials from abroad, selects them meticulously, mixes such as to modify simple qualities of raw coffee, which arrived in Italy simply divided on the basis of a collection roughly operated by territory and type. From skilful blends, the product “Brasilena” reaches to the consumer, together with all the flavor of a coffee, roughly three sips, the declination of it into a drink that captures for itself the vast knowledge, the great love for the product, as well as the daring but fortunate experimentation with  miscellaneous coffees offered by the many growers of the original raw materials. The process continues today with a very careful selection at the origin, the multiple types of coffee will be purchased and then shaped so that a “Brasilena” coffee can stand out in terms of excellence.

Natural coffee

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From Latin America

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High Quality

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